RA-V Missions

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Friday morning involved the hands-on exercise, in which I gave a walk-through of the software. It was also the first time I used a sat-phone, one that we brought along with us for emergencies. Before we left, we created some demo accounts, but when it came time to run the demo, I forgot the logins. So I had to call a colleague back home to reset the password. The sat-phone worked, but trying to understand each other was quite difficult. I wouldn’t want to use it for a normal conversation.

Yours truly looking at mail during one of our breaks.

At the end of the day, we were treated to a bit of a tour to visit one of the LNG sites being built near the hotel. The tour wasn’t long: we basically drove to the front gate and back. But one remarkable thing I saw was just how close the vegetation of Papua New Guinea was to that of Australia. The hillside along the road had what could have passed as eucalyptus trees. Apparently the hot weather from the Australian continent was enough to influence the type of plants that could grow there.