RA-V Missions

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Our flight was Sunday, which meant that we stayed the Saturday as well. Instead of hanging around the hotel all day, one of the senior members of the PNG met services offered to drive us around Port Moresby. We got a good tour of the many of the areas around the hotel, and then drove up the hills near the residence of Australian High Commission, which overlooked the bay. As tight as the security around the hotel was, the residence was like a fortress. But the view was amazing and we got some pretty decent photos.

Views of Port Morsby

To show our appreciation, my boss and I treated our tour-guide with lunch in a nearby shopping centre. We did have to walk through metal detectors to enter but the centre itself, and the place we had lunch, was pretty nice. We spent most of the afternoon sitting in one of the hotel lounges. My boss read while I worked on my Golang skills.

Evening at the hotel.