RA-V Missions

Sogi, Samoa

Day two was pretty much like day one except that we did manage to do a little exploring for the first time. My boss got the idea of getting a hire car for us to use on our stay, which was a great idea. Not only did it save our hosts from ferrying us around, it meant we can go out on our own. And we took the opportunity to do so that day.

On our way towards Apia.

Upolu island, which is where we were located, was formed by a massive volcano which gave the island quite a mountainous core, and after work we decided to drive up to the summit. It was not a long drive, probably 15-20 minutes each way, and I recall the road being quite windy. The view was stunning, especially in the late-afternoon light.

The view from our stopping point.
A shot of our car.
One of the houses we passed by.